Wednesday, November 25, 2009

21st Century Skills

After viewing the website called "Partnership for 21st Century Skills", I was very impressed to see how detailed and committed this organization seemed to be in promoting a common language and framework that promotes 21st Century learning in the field of education for all students across our great nation. With that in mind, I was truly disappointed to see that my home state, Georgia, was not included in the partnership for 21st Century skills.  Although I was relieved to see that we were not the only state that didn't join, I wasvery curious to know Georgia did not become a partnering member.  I wonder if it was it because the governor's office was not properly made aware of this 21st Century Skills partnership?  Or, was the governor's office made aware of the partnership and they decided to not become on board?  If the latter is true, then it would be very disappointing to know that my state was not on board with promoting 21st Century skills with our students.

However, I am relieved to know that the local school district in which I work for is very much on board with promoting 21st Century skills and at my local school, our Principal has addressed the need for these skills mulitple times throughout our staff meetings.  Unfortunately, while we recognize the need for our students to be exposed to 21st Century skills, we have not completely addressed or collaborated together on how we would use the 21st Century tools to help promote learning within our classrooms.  I believe that by partnering up with organizations like the "Partnership for 21st Century Skills", we would be able to gain much more knowledge and expertise on how to develop a common framework, common language and instructional plan to implement quality plus teaching strategies as it pertains to 21st Century Skills.  By putting our beliefs into actions, I hope that our local school system will become a model for our State to learn from so that we can do what is truly best for our students by helping to prepare every student in the state of Georgia for the work field and post-secondary education. 

In addition, I hope that soon, legislators from Georgia will be able to partner up with local businesses, colleges, and educators around our state to address teaching and learning in the 21st Century and to collaborate together to develop recommendations for how our state will incorporate 21st Century skills into our education system, just as other states have done before us. 


  1. I understand what you mean about the need for collaboration from each state in order to make this partnership a success. I work in a predominantly military school. This has its advantages as well as disadvatages. One of the most frquetly asked questions from new families as they register their child is "how much exposure will my child have to technology?" Some families are pleased with what my distirct has to offer adn some are not. I recently had a former student visit after moving to Hawaii, she was really let down when she saw the way her middle school met her gifted needs compared to her MD elementary school.
    I guess all we can do as educators is encourage and support the higher-ups in bridging this gap.

    Kelly McCarty

  2. It still fascinates me on how learning is changing daily. The gap of teaching from when I was in school to now is remarkable. We did not even contemplate having a computer in our classroom much less everybody in the house having their own. Now nobody even thinks about it, they expect it. Parents and teachers need to realize that kids have technology in their hands with their phones probably as much as they have if they have a computer. They need to learn the proper way to use them and how to communicate with people from all over the world. I have a blogging site for my advanced art kids. These are high school students and they do not know the proper way to use the blogging site and post comments. They have to be monitored as much or more than younger students. It will take teaching on our part and then maybe the higher ups will see the benefits of using better technology.

  3. Jewel,

    I asked myself the same questions about why my state, Indiana, isn’t participating in the PL2 Leadership State Program. I also wondered if my state was even aware of the program? Unfortunately, I fear that our state just decided not to join. They often do not put education first!

    We are also promoting the 21st Century Skills, as you are in your school. Just think how much our schools would benefit from joining the program. It would just add to what we are already doing and make it better! Hopefully, one day we will all be on board!

    To Karen - It is VERY fascinating how teaching is changing. Just imagine where we will be 20 years from now. Will we even have a classroom? Or will we teach our students from a skype devise? It should be interesting!

  4. Yes, when you put things in perspective, about how much technology has changed since we were in school then we have made leaps and bounds. It's so amazing how much technology has changed since I first began college 10 years ago. The social networks have emerged so rapidly that it's sometimes hard to keep up, even as a 28 year old. When I reflect on those things, I can only imagine just how much technology will continue to evolve within the next few years. It's all the more important for our states to get on board with preparing our students for 21st Century Skills. I truly hope all states will be pressured to see just how necessary we all need to "put education first" for our students and our future.
