Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Final Reflection on My GAME Plan

As I reflect on my past experiences with implementing technology in the classroom, I am pleased to know that I have used technology in a variety of ways to help support student learning. Unfortunately, I was not always consistent with measuring how technology was used to enhance student learning within my classroom. I did not have a GAME plan that addressed the needs of my students academically and provided ways in which I planned to meet those needs. Now, I am much more guided and focused on how I use technology within the classroom to meet the needs of my students across all content areas.

After establishing a GAME plan that aims to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity, I have been much more conscientious about how integrating technology truly does make a difference in developing students to be 21st century learners. As a result of implementing a GAME plan for this school year, I have developed an electronic portfolio that keeps track of which technology related programs, activities or projects I’ve used to enhance student learning on a weekly basis.

To help make my electronic portfolio even more meaningful, I would like to add a brief comment section, where I describe whether the technology related activity used was successful or needed some improvements or adjustments in order to help students learn at their highest level. I hope that the comment section will help guide my instruction for future activities and act as an additional way for me to monitor and evaluate student learning and progress throughout the school year. Ultimately, I would like to use this electronic portfolio as a valuable resource that will also guide my instruction and future GAME plans for the years to come.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Using the GAME Plan Process with My Students

When I think about the progress I’ve made over the past several weeks with my GAME plan, I can definitely see how using this same approach with my students can help them grow and develop into 21st century learners. In today’s time, students need to perform well in the technology standards and indicators outlined in the NTES-S. More specifically, I believe the areas of communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making are especially important for students to develop in order to thrive at school and in the work place. With their colleagues and fellow classmates, students need to know how to appropriately identify problems, plan solutions, collect and analyze data to identify their solutions, and use multiple tools to communicate their solutions.

When I think about our Content Area Unit Plan and its three major parts (problem based learning, collaborative activities, and digital storytelling), I can see how using the GAME plan with students could help to make this unit a success. For instance, at the beginning of the unit, students can create an overall goal for completing their lesson objectives. Next, they can establish a plan of action for how they will accomplish their goals throughout the unit. Then, students can monitor their goals along the way through writing self reflections in their journals. Finally, students can evaluate the achievement of their learning goals through informal and formal assessments. As a result of going through this type of GAME plan throughout our unit, students will gain further proficiency in the standards outlined from the NTES-S.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Revising My GAME Plan

My GAME plan is to become a more self-directed and lifelong learner by strengthening my confidence and proficiency in the following two areas:


• Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

• Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity

In order to engage in professional growth and leadership, I have taken actions towards increasing my skills and knowledge in the area of integrating technology in the classroom. I have collaborated with our information technology staff members to find more ways to seamlessly integrate technology and interactive learning activities into our daily classroom routine and instruction. Through my graduate school courses at Walden University, I have also learned new and exciting ways to integrate technology across all content areas. For example, I am currently learning how to integrate technology into problem based learning activities, through digital storytelling and through online collaboration tools.

As a way to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity, I have tried to find more ways to motivate my students into becoming more creative thinkers. I have tried to integrate more technological tools within the classroom to develop more creative thinking and reasoning skills within my students. I hope that through my modeling and with the support of technology, students will be able to reflect upon and demonstrate more creative thinking.

I would like to continue this GAME plan for the remainder of the school year; therefore I am not ready to set new learning goals at this time. I want to continue inspiring students to learn and to be creative thinkers through the use of technology. As a way to extend my learning, I will find new learning approaches towards meeting my goal. In addition to the learning resources provided through Walden University, I will begin to seek out more professional development through social networking and online collaboration tools. I will also continue to use professional journal articles from credible sources to enhance my learning experience.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Evaluating my GAME Plan

As a way to monitor my professional growth and leadership development, I have decided to create an electronic portfolio that demonstrates the technology learning activities used with my students across all content areas for my GAME plan. So far in my electronic portfolio, I have included all technology related activities I have done with my students across all content areas. These activities have helped make learning more engaging and interactive for my students. While monitoring my GAME plan, I made an adjustment to update my electronic portfolio on a weekly basis instead of on a monthly basis, which was part of my original implementation plan. I have found that this approach helps me reach my goal more effectively because it allows me the opportunity to reflect more frequently on the types of activities used with my students.

Throughout the implementation of this GAME plan, I have learned to be more structured, clear and precise with my planning on a weekly basis so that I can truly relate and integrate technology across all content areas. By staying more focused during my weekly planning process, I have been able to maximize my instructional practices with my students. We have less down time throughout our day and our lessons are much more focused.

I want to continue using a variety of technology activities with my students across areas. Are there any other suggestions on the type of technology I could integrate within my classroom to help make learning more engaging and meaningful for my students? So far, I have used many interactive SMART Board activities and students have typed a personal story using Microsoft Word documents. In the near future, I would like for students to create PowerPoint presentations, make KidPix slide shows, create a podcast, and make a class webpage about the life of a famous person we have studied in our social studies unit. I am also interested in having them experience making a voice thread, but I would like to have suggestions on how to simply integrate voice threads into our second grade curriculum.

To adjust my GAME plan, I will add links to our already existing class webpage that shows the technology related activities we have done in our class so that parents can also share our learning experiences with us.