Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Revising My GAME Plan

My GAME plan is to become a more self-directed and lifelong learner by strengthening my confidence and proficiency in the following two areas:


• Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

• Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity

In order to engage in professional growth and leadership, I have taken actions towards increasing my skills and knowledge in the area of integrating technology in the classroom. I have collaborated with our information technology staff members to find more ways to seamlessly integrate technology and interactive learning activities into our daily classroom routine and instruction. Through my graduate school courses at Walden University, I have also learned new and exciting ways to integrate technology across all content areas. For example, I am currently learning how to integrate technology into problem based learning activities, through digital storytelling and through online collaboration tools.

As a way to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity, I have tried to find more ways to motivate my students into becoming more creative thinkers. I have tried to integrate more technological tools within the classroom to develop more creative thinking and reasoning skills within my students. I hope that through my modeling and with the support of technology, students will be able to reflect upon and demonstrate more creative thinking.

I would like to continue this GAME plan for the remainder of the school year; therefore I am not ready to set new learning goals at this time. I want to continue inspiring students to learn and to be creative thinkers through the use of technology. As a way to extend my learning, I will find new learning approaches towards meeting my goal. In addition to the learning resources provided through Walden University, I will begin to seek out more professional development through social networking and online collaboration tools. I will also continue to use professional journal articles from credible sources to enhance my learning experience.


  1. Jewel,
    After our course of study at Walden University, it is important for is to continue to seek out ways to increase our knowledge of technology. We have to keep up with our 21st century learners. You are doing a great job of implementing your GAME plan.

  2. Just reading how you are motivated to learn more and apply everything that you have been learning into your clasroom is powerful. It makes a big differences in the classroom when we as educators find something that we are really determined to incorporate. As you continue to increase your knowledge your students will definetly reap the benefits. yolette

  3. Angie,

    Thanks for your encouraging words. It's good to be re-affirmed from my fellow colleagues that I'm on the right track.

  4. Yolette,

    I truly do hope that my students will reap the benefits of my integrating technology into the classroom. This year, I have a much more academically challenged class than ever before. I really hope that the additional support of technology will help to make a positive difference with my students academically.

  5. Hi Jewel, I am so impressed with how you are always the first one in our group to get things done. Your enthusiasm is contagious. So have you started on the digital storytelling yet? That is probably a crazy question, of course you have.... I am anxious to see what and how you do it, so I can learn from you...I am going to add you to my NODES personal learning network of peers with expertise...Thanks for your great example....

  6. Hi Jewel,

    Self-directed learner! That's it Jewel. The more we go through this journey with Walden the more I realize that we as teachers need to help our students become self-directed and to do that we need to become self-directed ourselves.
    It sounds like a simple concept but it is far from it. I still find myself being upset for not getting the answers or solutions I want from the people I think should have them. But, we are entering new dimension with technology and every questions has more and more answers each day and we need to find the way to answer them ourselves.
    This leads to both critical and creative thinking.

  7. Leann, I definitely don't think I'm the first one to get things done. It's funny you should mention that because I always feel like I'm one of the last ones to get things done. With three kids, graduate school, and working full time, it's hard to be early on assignments. As a matter of fact, I haven't even explored my digital storytelling lesson yet (which I shouldn't admit this in public). However, I will be more than happy to help you once I get my mind wrapped around it. Feel free to send me an email at for more help. Thanks for thinking of me for your NODES group. I need to start a group like that :-).
